A Fresh Vision for Revision and Creative Next Steps
The first step for many editing and book development projects is a high-level editorial review, providing a fresh read of a manuscript to see what’s working well, what needs further development, and what bigger shifts might be considered. Editorial Reviews address a book’s core themes, narrative arc, structure, voice, elements to cut or expand, clarification of the audience or genre, and other elements to realize a book’s full potential.
Editorial reviews can be helpful at many stages, including:
- At the point you have draft or partial draft and you’re ready for seasoned yet caring advice to greenlight, critique, and provide direction for editing or revisions to achieve your vision and goals for your work.
- When you’re getting ready to submit your work to agents for representation and you want to take your work as far as you can.
- When you are ready to take your work of fiction, memoir, or narrative nonfiction from a :personal project” to a professional work, whether your goal is traditional or independent publishing.
- When you know something isn’t working, or you’re feeling lost after many rewrites without the progress you hoped for, or when want a frank assessment of your project’s commercial and/or literary viability.
- When you want to test your own thoughts for revisions with a new perspective and editorial roadmap.
- You’d like to pair an editorial review with advice and strategy on publishing pathways, query letters, pitching, platform development,and finding success in the publishing marketplace.
To inquire about an Editorial Review: Please email a brief bio, description of your project, genre, word count, stage, and your most urgent questions and goals–as you currently understand them! We’ll schedule a call right away to see if there’s a fit. Editorial Reviews can lead to further editorial collaboration, coaching, project management, or other services, often with trusted partners.
I cannot thank you enough for the work you put into The Magic Cup. You have been there the whole way with your skills.
Janet, editor extraordinaire, convinced me to focus this book on my life as well as my father’s, and helped make Missing Father into a more accessible read. I am also grateful to her for the book title. With gratitude and admiration, I’m so thankful for all her help and wisdom.
It is such a joy to work with someone, such as Janet, who brings both great skill and great heart to her work. We found her extensive background in publishing and guidance invaluable! She provided insight, inspiration, and tactical guidance on everything from the big-picture structure, voice, and style to advice on the title and positioning of the book, all of which significantly enhanced our manuscript.
As I continue to write and deepen my vision for my memoir-in-progress, Janet and her suggestions seem to occupy a room in my brain–one where the door is always open, a room I return to again and again…I feel movement, and a sense that I’ve discovered the guiding question at the heart of his project. Finally, I know. Thanks to Janet, I worked hard to find out.
Sample projects from Editorial Review Clients

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